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Equilibrium Simulation

The two time correlation functions in equations (gif) to (gif) are averaged over an ensemble of flux-statted trajectories. To calculate   this, one would first need to generate the distribution , using    molecular dynamics simulation or Monte Carlo methods. Once an initial phase space configuration was produced with probability , then its evolution under the flux-statted equations of motion (gif) needs to be followed. If we wish to follow these trajectories for time steps, then we require timesteps to average over trajectories. By    contrast, the Green-Kubo expressions for the linear transport coefficients   involve correlation functions whose propagators are independent of the initial state of the trajectory. We can therefore form the average as

with being the timestep. This clearly requires only timesteps, and so is more efficient by roughly a factor of . We shall see in this section that the ensemble averages in equations (gif) to (gif) can be calculated from a single equilibrium trajectory, with the consequent improvement in efficiency. Write the flux-statted propagator explicitly as :  


  Now use the Dyson equation (gif) to expand in terms of :


  For being the flux-statted Liouvillean with Nosé-Hoover feedback mechanism, the difference in operators is contained only in the equation of motion for :

Now is just another intensive phase variable, so we may write the series (gif) as

Using the result of Appendix gif, the higher terms will vanish in the thermodynamic limit, and so we may write

Substituting this into (gif) reveals

Thus the time correlation functions of (gif...gif) are expressed in terms of an average over a single trajectory, provided that the flux-statting propagator generates . This is the case for the Nosé-Hoover feedback mechanism discussed, for the case .

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Russell Standish
Thu May 18 11:43:52 EST 1995