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In this chapter, a non-hydrodynamic theory of the parallel plane steady state Townsend experiment is developed relating the asymptotic properties of the steady state solution to the distribution of zeros of the eigenvalues of the inhomogeneous Boltzmann operator . It was found that    non-hydrodynamic effects are clustered around the source, and decay exponentially away from the source.

    The spectrum of was taken to be discrete and the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions taken to be analytic functions of k. These assumptions were chosen to make the theory simple, and are sufficient for understanding the simple model used in this work. However, in general, the situation may be more complex. Consider what would happen if from equation (gif) is not analytic everywhere, but has a singularity at say . If this singularity is a pole, then the effect is of an additional term that behaves like exp in the steady state solution. If, however, the singularity is part of a branch cut, then there is an additional term whose form is not generally exponential, but will be bounded asymptotically by exp.  

A similar situation arises if the spectrum contains a continuous portion. Here we might expect that the sum over n is replaced by the integration over a continuous parameter :

If Re is always less than some value Q, then will be bounded by an exponential of the form exp. Needless to say, the formal theory of continuous spectra is beyond the scope of this work. The purpose of mentioning it here it to point out how this work might be generalized to handle these cases.

Russell Standish
Thu May 18 11:43:52 EST 1995