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Pressure Dependencies of Non-hydrodynamic and Higher Order Diffusion Effects

In classical transport theory, the transport coefficients have a   simple dependence upon the pressure of the neutral gas if the ratio of the electric field to neutral gas density is kept constant. The presence of end effects introduces anomalous pressure dependencies in the experimental data. It is therefore of interest to calculate the pressure dependence of the two end   effects discussed here. This is done by dimensional analysis on the Boltzmann equation.

Introduce a parameter which scales proportionally with the neutral gas density, and, since is constant, the field. As the collision operator is proportional to   the neutral gas density, the scaled operator is and has eigenvectors with eigenvalues . Upon identifying the transport coefficients with the multipole coefficients of the lowest eigenvalue, we see that .

The non-hydrodynamic part of the density is given explicitly by (gif). For a delta function initial pulse, the initial Fourier transformed phase space distribution does not depend on , and so or . Substituting these relations into equation (gif), we can obtain the scaling for the spatial density function and similarly, the collector current scaling . If we differentiate this expression with respect to t, and solve for , we find

and so the end effects scale as . This property is obeyed by equation (gif) and (gif) for and .

The experimental data of England and Elford [1987] for (called in their paper) seem to indicate that is almost independent of pressure. This discrepancy is surprising in view of the clear nature of the pressure dependence derived in this section. One must conclude that other effects must play a significant rôle in the total   end-effect. One such effect might be an error in the initial position of the swarm. For example, a delta function pulse of the form , where is the true centroid of the initial pulse, will give rise to a pressure independent component of .

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Russell Standish
Thu May 18 11:43:52 EST 1995