address: | 7 Gordon Ave, |
Coogee, NSW 2034 | |
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tel: | 0425 253 119 |
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Hale School, Perth, Western Australia
TAE subjects taken: English, English Literature, French,
Mathematics 2 & 3, Physics, Chemistry.
Aggregate: 509.7 out of a possible 550
General Exhibition in TAE
Dux of school 1981
The University of Western Australia
BSC (hons) Majoring in Physics and Mathematics
W.D.L. Ride Prize in Science 1982
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the atomic structure of helium.
Title: “Excitation of Triplet States in Helium”
Australian National University.
Thesis Title: “On Various Questions in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics Relating to Swarm Physics and Fluid Flow”
In 1990, I participated in the ACT Enterprise Workshop, a series of lectures on business management and entrepreneurship, with a hands on project of developing a business plan for a startup business in a teamwork environment.