Dr Russell Standish


address: 7 Gordon Ave,
  Coogee, NSW 2034
tel: 0425 253 119



Secondary: 1977-1981
Hale School, Perth, Western Australia
TAE subjects taken: English, English Literature, French,
Mathematics 2 & 3, Physics, Chemistry.
Aggregate: 509.7 out of a possible 550
General Exhibition in TAE
Dux of school 1981

Tertiary Undergraduate: 1982-1985
The University of Western Australia
BSC (hons) Majoring in Physics and Mathematics
W.D.L. Ride Prize in Science 1982

Honours Project:
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the atomic structure of helium.
Title: “Excitation of Triplet States in Helium”

Doctor of Philosophy: 1986-1990
Australian National University.
Thesis Title: “On Various Questions in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics Relating to Swarm Physics and Fluid Flow”


Principal, High Performance Coders. Programming and systems administration support for scientific computing applications. Customers and projects listed at
Machine Learning and Data analyst, Turms.AI. Using Python, Tensorflow and C++ to analyse large timeseries databases.
Software Engineer, Jolata. Development and optimisation of backend components in C++.
Visiting Professor, School of Mathematics and Statistics, UNSW
Oct 2009-Aug2012
Software Engineer, Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales. Development of software assisting traffic engineers coordinate traffic lights along an arterial.
Sept 2010-Apr 2010
High Performance Computing Analyst, Vector Risk Systems (formerly Credit Risk Systems).

Jun 2008-May 2009
Senior Software Engineer, Silverbrook Research. Development of C++ application software and libraries on Windows and FreeBSD using Postgres, Qt, Corba (ACE/Tao) and Boost.

High Performance Computing Analyst, Credit Risk Systems.
  • Optimisation and parallelisation of a Monte Carlo Credit Risk Engine (BoundaryRider).
  • Design and development of a high performance vector library used in the vectorised BoundaryRider pricing library.
  • Development of Linux webservice component.

Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Mathematics, UNSW.

Aug 1997-Mar 2005
Director, High Performance Computing Support Unit, University of New South Wales. Managing a small team of system administrators with responsibility for the high performance computing facilities available to UNSW researchers. Strategically involved in the planning, financing and promotion of the HPC facilities.

Dec 1994-Jul 1997
Distributed Systems Manager, Academic Computing Support Unit, University of New South Wales. Leading a team of 20-30 computer support professionals, providing operating systems, basic applications and networking expertise across PCs, Windows95/NT, Netware, Macintosh, VMS and various Unix platforms, to the academic faculties of the university. Highlights include

  • being actively involved in the process of obtaining ISO9002 accreditation for the unit

  • forging a team from groups of diverse computing backgrounds, ranging from PCs and Macintoshes, to Unix and VMS

  • implementing intranets (using WWW technology) to facilitate communication and information sharing around a diverse and dispersed group of personnel.

  • being involved in the evaluation and acquisition of a new high performance computer for the university.

  • being involved in the planning and installation of a new high performance computing and advanced visualisation facility at the Australian Technology Park at Redfern, Sydney.

April 1993-Nov 1994
Parallel Programming Consultant, University of New South Wales. This involved a range of duties, including systems administration for a Thinking Machines CM5 (SunOS based with some additional features), giving advice on an individual basis to researchers, giving courses in parallel programming on the CM5 and being involved in collaborative scientific research programs.

Mar 1992-Nov 1992
Computational Scientist with University of Karlsruhe. This work involved installation of Maple, and preparation of demonstrations and introductory documentation for this package. It also involved some preliminary exploration of iterative solvers using NSPCG as some preliminary work for a project called LIST (Linear Iterative Solution Techniques).

April 1990-Jan 1992
Computational Scientist with ANUSF porting project, ANU. This joint project between ANU and Fijitsu required the porting and optimisation of scientific software for Fujitsu's range of supercomputers. For a list of packages worked on in this time, see the heading ANUSF Porting project under “Programming Experience”.

Mar 1990
Research Assistant, Research School of Chemistry, ANU. Development of a Calcomp plotting library for use on Macintosh systems.

Unpaid position “Software Manager, Department of Theoretical Physics”, required keeping up to date with software trends, evaluating both public domain and commercial software for use in a scientific environment, ensuring legality of existing software etc., for a Macintosh based network.

Jan-Mar 1986
Programmer with Digiflow Ltd, working on Digital Audio Store project. This was a device for storing advertisements, or other short sound sequences on a hard disk for use with radio stations.


In 1990, I participated in the ACT Enterprise Workshop, a series of lectures on business management and entrepreneurship, with a hands on project of developing a business plan for a startup business in a teamwork environment.


Suite of tools for monitoring and analysis of network traffic. Primarily involved in components written in C++, with realtime constraints, commmunicating via ZeroMq, but some Java programming also involved for supporting the Druid database.

Open source visual flow programming software of mathematical economics models, similar in some aspects to VisSim, Simulink or XCos. C++, Tcl/Tk and GNU Scientific Library for differential equation solving.

A trial of GPGPU technology, using CUDA within the EcoLab framework to achieve acceleration of sparse matrix multiplication.

A trial project aimed at attempting to accelerate WRF (a large weather forecast code written in Fortran 90) using PGI's Cuda accelarator compiler directives.

GUI tool supporting traffic engineers to coordinate traffic lights along a stretch of road. Written in C++ on top of MFC, with a port to Java in process, with some Javascript (using Google Maps) and OpenGIS database programming on a PostgresQL database.

- A full featured Agent Based Modelling environment for C++ programmers, using Tcl/Tk for scripting and GUI. EcoLab is an open source project, hosted via SourceForge. Next version (under development) has a Java interface (via JNI).

- Object reflection for C++, used in EcoLab. Includes ClassdescMP, and easy to use MPI-based parallel programming environment.

- Open Source GUI driven plotting application, using the Qt framework.


Complex systems (Theoretical descriptions of life, Cellular automata, Chaos, Information theory etc).

High Performance Computing / Computational Science, Agent Based Modeling



  1. Farid Khoury, Honours Mathematics, 1994, with Dr Rob Womersley
  2. Phillip Rhodes, MSc Biology, 1996- (part time) with Dr Bill Sherwin, converted to PhD programme 2000.
  3. Qinghua Zeng, PhD Materials Science, 2000-2004 with Prof Aibing Yu.


  1. Artificial Life 8 The 8th International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems, UNSW, 9th-13th December, 2002.
  2. Complex Systems '98 Complexity Between the Ecos -- From Ecology to Economics, UNSW, November 30th-December 3rd 1998
  3. Deme chair for Artificial Life, Adaptive Behaviour, Agents and Ant Colony Optimisation deme at GECCO 2003 (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference), Chicago, Illinois, 12th-16th July, 2003.


ARC Grant applications
2001 RIEF R00107943
Networked, Scalable, Immersive Visualisation Nodes
2003 LIEF LE0347499
Development of a High Performance Computing Cluster for ac3 Research
2004 Research Network RN0460006
Complex Open Systems Network (COSNet)


  1. Standish R.K. (2024) “Fat API bindings of C++ objects into scripting languages”, Overload Journal, 32, No. 181 16-20. arXiv:2403.14940 .

  2. Standish R.K. (2019) “The Movie Graph Argument Revisited”, submitted.

  3. Standish R.K. (2019) “C++ Reflection for Python Binding”, Overload Journal, 27, No. 152, 11-18.

  4. Keen, S.L., Ayres, R.U. and Standish, R.K. (2019) “A Note on the Role of Energy in Production” Ecological Economics, 157, 40-46.

  5. Standish R.K. (2016) “Classdesc: A Reflection System for C++11”, Overload Journal, 24, No. 131, 18-23.

  6. Standish R.K. and Keen S.L. (2015) “Rationality in the Theory of the Firm”, World Economics Review, 5, 101-107. arXiv: 1101.3409

  7. Standish R.K. (2015) “Mechanical generation of networks with surplus complexity”, in Artificial Life And Computational Intelligence, LNCS 8955, Chalup et al. (eds), 387-386. arXiv: 1411.3764

  8. Standish R.K. (2014) “Complexity: Quantity or Quality”, International Journal of Signs and Semiotic Systems 3, 27-45.

  9. Standish R.K. (2013) “Information Based Complexity of Networks”, in Advances in Network Complexity, Dehmer et al. (eds), Wiley-VCH, pp 209-247, arXiv:1402.2696

  10. Standish R.K. (2013) “Ants are not Conscious” Open Journal of Philosophy, 3, 1-4. arXiv: 0802.4121

  11. Standish R.K. (2012) “Complexity of Networks (reprise)”, Complexity, 17, 50-61 arXiv: 0911.3482

  12. Keen S.L. and Standish R.K. (2010) “Debunking the theory of the firm - a chronology” Real World Economics Review, 53, 56-94.

  13. Standish R.K. (2010) “Network Complexity of Foodwebs", Proceedings Artificial Life XII, Fellermann et al. (eds), (MIT Press: Cambridge, MA) 337-343. arXiv: 1008.3800

  14. Bossomaier, T., Standish, R.K. and Harré, M. (2010) “Simulation of Trust in Client-Wealth Management Advisor Relationships”, International Journal of Simulation and Process Modeling, 6, 40-49.

  15. Bossomaier, T., Standish, R.K. and Harré, M. (2009) “Visualisation of Client Networks from a Large Database” in Proceedings of the 2009 113th International Conference Information Visualisation, pp.369-375.

  16. Bossomaier, T. and Standish, R.K. (2008) “Simulation of Trust in Client-Wealth Management Advisor Relationships” in Proceedings IEEE 20th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium EMSS'08 ISBN 978-88-903724-0-7, pp506-514.

  17. Standish, R.K. (2008) “Going Stupid with EcoLab”, Simulation, 84, 611-618. arXiv: cs.MA/0612014

  18. Standish, R.K. (2008) “Open Source Agent-based Modelling Frameworks”, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 115, 409-437. ©Springer-Verlag.

  19. Standish, R.K. (2008) “Concept and Definition of Complexity” in Intelligent Complex Adaptive Systems, Yang, A. and Shan, Y. (eds), (IGI Global: Hershey, PA) pp105-124, arXiv:0805.0685.

  20. Standish, R.K. (2006) “Theory of Nothing” Booksurge. ISBN 1 921019 63 8.

  21. Ackland, R., O'Neil, M., Standish, R.K. and Buchhorn, M. (2006). “VOSON: A Web Services Approach for Facilitating Research into Online Networks”, in Proceedings Second International e-Social Science Conference, Manchester, June.

  22. Keen, S.L. and Standish, R.K. (2006) “Profit Maximization, Industry Structure, and Competition: A critique of neoclassical theory”, Physica A, 370, 81-85. arXiv:nlin.AO/0604061

  23. Keen, S.L. and Standish, R.K. (2005) “Irrationality in the Neoclassical Definition of Rationality”, American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2, Issue 13. 61-68.

  24. Standish, R.K. (2005) “The Importance of the Observer in Science”, in Proceedings The Two Cultures: Reconsidering the division between the Sciences and Humanities, UNSW, July. arXiv:physics/0508123.

  25. Standish, R.K. (2005) “Complexity of Networks” in Recent Advances in Artificial Life, Abbass et al. (eds) (World Scientific: Singapore) p253. arXiv:cs.IT/0508075

  26. Zeng, Q.H., Yu, A.B., Lu, G.Q. and Standish, R.K. (2005) “Interfacial Interactions and Structure of Organic-Inorganic Nanohybrids”, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 21 (Suppl. 1), 114-118.

  27. Standish, R.K. and Keen, S. (2004) “Emergent Effective Collusion in an Economy of Perfectly Rational Competitors”, in Proceedings 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Complex Systems, Stonier, et al. (eds), Cairns, December, p228. arXiv:nlin.AO/0411006

  28. Standish, R.K. (2004) “The Influence of Parsimony and Randomness on Complexity Growth in Tierra”, in ALife IX Workshop and Tutorial Proceedings, Bedau et al. (eds). arXiv:nlin.AO/0604026

  29. Standish, R.K. (2004) “Ecolab, Webworld and self-organisation”, in Artificial Life IX, Pollack, J. et al., (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), 358-363. arXiv:nlin.AO/0404011.

  30. Standish, R.K. (2004) “Tierra's missing neutrality: case solved”, in Proceedings Artificial Life IX, Pollack, J. et al., 364-368. arXiv:nlin.AO/0404012

  31. Standish, R.K. (2004) “Why Occam's Razor” Foundations of Physics Letters, 17, 255-266. arXiv:physics/0001020

  32. Zeng, Q. H., Yu, A. B., Lu, G. Q. and Standish, R. K. (2004). “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Structural and Dynamic Properties of Dioctadecyldimethyl Ammonium in Organoclays”, J. Phys. Chem B, 108, 10025-10033.

  33. Zeng, Q. H., Yu, A. B., Lu, G. Q. and Standish, R. K. (2003). “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Organic-inorganic Nanocomposites: the Layering Behaviour and Interlayer Structure of Organoclays”, Chemistry of Materials, 15, 4732-4738.

  34. Standish, R.K. (2003) “The case of the missing neutrality”, in Proceedings ACAL 2003, Abbass, H.A. and Wiles, J. (eds), ISBN 0975152807, p209. arXiv:nlin.AO/0401039

  35. E. Cantú-Paz, J.A. Foster, K. Deb, L.D. Davis, R. Roy, U.-M. O'Reilly, H.-G. Beyer, R. Standish, G. Kendall, S. Wilson, M. Harman, J. Wegener, D. Dasgupta. M.A. Potter, A.C. Schultz, K.A. Dowsland, N. Jonoska, J. Miller (Eds.) (2003). Genetic and Evolutionary Computation - GECCO 2003 Part I, LNCS 2723 (Springer)

  36. E. Cantú-Paz, J.A. Foster, K. Deb, L.D. Davis, R. Roy, U.-M. O'Reilly, H.-G. Beyer, R. Standish, G. Kendall, S. Wilson, M. Harman, J. Wegener, D. Dasgupta. M.A. Potter, A.C. Schultz, K.A. Dowsland, N. Jonoska, J. Miller (Eds.) (2003). Genetic and Evolutionary Computation - GECCO 2003 Part II, LNCS 2724 (Springer)

  37. Standish, R.K., Chee, C. and Smeds, N. (2003). “OpenMP in the field: Anecdotes from Practice”, in Computational Science, Sloot et al. (eds), LNCS 2660, ©Springer-Verlag, p637.

  38. Standish, R.K. and Madina, D. (2003) “ClassdescMP: Easy MPI programming in C++” in Computational Science, Sloot et al. (eds), LNCS 2660, Springer, 896. arXiv:cs.DC/0401027

  39. Standish, R.K. and Leow, R. (2003) “EcoLab: Agent Based Modeling for C++ programmers”, in Proceedings SwarmFest 2003. arXiv:cs.MA/0401026

  40. Leow, R. and Standish, R.K. (2003) “Running C++ models under the Swarm Environment”, in Proceedings SwarmFest 2003. arXiv:cs.MA/0401025

  41. Standish, R.K. (2003) “Open-ended artificial evolution”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 3, 167. arXiv:nlin.AO/0210027

  42. Standish, R.K. (2002) “Diversity Evolution” in Artificial Life VIII, Standish, RK, Bedau, MA and Abbass, HA (eds) (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press), 131-137. arXiv:nlin.AO/0210026

  43. Standish, R.K., Bedau, M.A. and Abbass, H.A.(eds) (2002) “Artificial Life VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Artificial Life” (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press).

  44. Standish, R.K. and Galloway, J. (2002) “Visualising Tierra's tree of life using Netmap” proceedings Beyond Fitness: Visualising Evolution in ALife VIII Workshops, Bilotta et al. (eds). p171.

  45. Bilotta, E., Groß, D., Smith, T., Lenaerts, T., Bullock, S., Lund, H.H., Bird, J., Watson, R., Pantano, P., Pagliarini, L., Abbass, H.A., Standish, R.K. and Bedau, M.A. (2002). “ALife VIII Workshops”. ISBN 0 7317 0509 2

  46. Standish, R.K. (2002) “Inching Ahead, artificially”, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 6, 113.

  47. Standish, R.K. (2002) “Prospects for open-ended evolution in artificial life”, in Proceedings of the 7th AROB conference, Beppu, Japan, p455. ISBN 4990046226

  48. Standish, R.K. (2001) “Open-ended artificial evolution”, in proceedings ALife Workshop '01, Adelaide, December:ISBN 0731705084, p97.

  49. Madina, D. and Standish, R.K. (2001) “A system for reflection in C++”, in Proceedings AUUG 2001: Always on and Everywhere, 207. ISBN 0957753225 arXiv:cs.PL/0401024

  50. Standish, R.K. (2001) “SMP vs Vector: a Head-to-head comparison”, in Proceedings HPCAsia 2001.

  51. Standish, R.K. (2001) “On Complexity and Emergence”, Complexity International , 9. arXiv:nlin.AO/0101006

  52. Standish, R.K. (2000) “Ecolab 4”, in Applied Complexity: From Neural Networks to Managed Landscapes Halloy, S. and Williams, T. (eds), (New Zealand Institute for Crop and Food Research, Christchurch), 156-163.

  53. Standish, R.K. (2000) “An Ecolab Perspective on the Bedau Evolutionary Statistics”, in Proceedings Artificial Life VII, Bedau, M.A. et al. (eds), (MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass.), 238-242. arXiv:nlin.AO/0004026

  54. Standish, R.K. (2000) “Evolution in the Multiverse” Complexity International , 7. arXiv:physics/0001021

  55. Standish, R.K. (2000) “The Role of Innovation within Economics”, in Commerce, Complexity and Evolution, Barnett, W. et al (eds) (Cambridge University Press, New York), pp61-79. arXiv:nlin.AO/0007005

  56. Standish, R.K. (1999) “Some Techniques for the Measurement of Complexity in Tierra”, Advances in Artificial Life,LNCS, 1674, 104 (Springer: Berlin) arXiv:nlin.AO/0001009

  57. Standish, R.K. (1999) “Numerical Evidence for divergent Burnett Coefficients”, Phys. Rev. E, 60, 5175-5178. arXiv:physics/9807017

  58. Standish, R.K. (1999) “Statistics of Certain Models of Evolution”, Phys. Rev. E, 59 1545-1550. arXiv:physics/9806046

  59. Standish, R.K., Henry, B.I., Watt, S., Marks, R., Stocker, R., Green, D., Keen, S. and Bossomaier, T. (1998) Complex Systems '98 -- Complexity Between the Ecos: From Ecology to Economics, Complexity Online. ISBN 0733405371

  60. Standish, R.K. (1998) “Econolab”, in Complex Systems '98, Standish et. al. (eds) (Complexity Online) and Complexity International , 6.

  61. Standish, R.K. (1998) “Cellular Ecolab”, in Complex Systems '98, Standish et. al. (eds) (Complexity Online) and Complexity International , 6.

  62. Standish, R.K. (1997) “The Burnett Problem: Molecular Dynamics' Grand Challenge” In proceedings Parallel Computing Workshop 97, ANU, Sept. 1997.

  63. Standish, R.K. (1997) “Embryology in Tierra: A study of a genotype to phenotype map”, Complexity International , 4.

  64. Standish, R.K. (1997) “On an Efficient Implemenation of Tierra”, Complexity International , 4.

  65. Standish, R.K. (1996) “Ecolab: Where to now?” in Complex Systems: From Local Interactions to Global Phenomena, R. Stocker, H. Jelinek, B. Durnota and T. Bossomeier (IOS: Amsterdam) 1996, p262-271. also Complexity International , 3.

  66. Standish, R.K. (1996) “The Role of Innovation within Economics”, Proceedings of the inaugural conference on Commerce, Complexity and Evolution, UNSW, Feb. 1996

  67. Standish, R.K. (1994) “Population models with Random Embryologies as a Paradigm for Evolution”, in Complex Systems: Mechanism of Adaption, R.J. Stonier and X.H. Yu (eds), p45-51 (IOS:Amsterdam). also Complexity International , 2.
  68. Standish, R.K. and Evans, D.J. (1993) “Efficient Determination of Nonlinear Burnett Coefficients”, Phys. Rev. E, 48, 3478-3482.

  69. Standish, R.K. (1992) “On the Spectrum of the Linear Boltzmann Operator”, J. Stat. Phys., 66, 1003-1010.

  70. Standish, R.K. (1991) “The Burnett Problem: Harnessing ANU's hidden supercomputer”, Proceedings of the 4th Australian Supercomputing Conference, Bond University, Gold Coast, November 1991.

  71. Standish, R.K. and Evans, D.J. (1990) “Nonlinear Burnett Coefficients”, Phys. Rev. A, 41, 4501-4503.

  72. Evans, D.J. and Standish, R.K. (1990) “Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Molecular Dynamics Calculations” in Computer Modelling of Fluids, Polymers and Solids, C.R. A. Catlow et. al. (eds.), p125-l54 (Kluwer: Amsterdam).

  73. Standish, R.K. (1989) “Motion of Charged Particles in a Homogeneous Reacting Medium with a One-dimensional Geometry”, Aust. J. Phys, 42, 223-232.

  74. Standish R.K. and Kumar K. (1987) “End Effects in Time of Flight Experiments”, 5th Int. Swarm Seminar, Birmingham, p104-107

  75. Standish R.K. (1987) “Nonhydrodynamic Contributions to End Effects in Time of Flight Swarm experiments”, Aust. J. Phys, 40,519-525

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