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Asymptotic behaviour for large times and distances


In the previous section, we examined a model in which there were an infinite number of roots of either sign. The numerical work indicates that the root controls the asymptotic exponential behaviour downstream from the source, and that controls the behaviour upstream. In this section, we discuss the time dependence analytically, and show how the steady state solution is established. It will be seen that the positive and negative branches of the roots control the swarm behaviour upstream and downstream of the source respectively.

Let us initially model the situation with a one dimensional time dependent diffusion equation with a constant source switched on at time t=0:  

The solution can be found by integrating the shifted Gaussian solution (gif) with respect to time [Abramowitz and Stegun [1965] 7.4.33] :

The error functions are nearly constant over most of the real line, but change sharply from one value to another near the origin. The effect is of wave fronts in the form of error functions propagating at velocity leaving exponential functions in their wake, as shown in figure gif.

Figure: Sketch of the density with the important features labelled

This model gives us the dynamical picture. We now must turn to a full Boltzmann equation theory to determine how  non-hydrodynamic modes enter this picture. We start with the spatially one dimensional time dependent Boltzmann equation for a steady source switched on at t=0.


This may be formally solved by means of the assumption of a discrete spectrum [eq. (gif)] to give




We assume that the source has been chosen in such a way that the integral over k in (gif) is well defined. For example, with the Klein-Kramers model we may choose a Gaussian source located at z=0:  


Upon substituting (gif) and (gif) into (gif), we find


To get to vanish fast enough as for (gif) to be convergent, we must choose .

Assuming and are analytic functions of k, the integrand in (gif) is analytic. Also, as , and so the contour of integration in (gif) may be translated by an arbitrary amount. In particular, we may move the contour so that it passes through the saddle point of    , which in the Klein-Kramers case is -ai. We may then use the method of steepest descent [Jeffreys (1961)] to evaluate the time dependent portion of the integral at large times:


The behaviour of f in time will depend critically upon the signs of . If is positive for any n, then the time dependent part will grow exponentially, and the system will not approach a steady state. On the other hand, if is negative for all n, then the time dependent term is exponentially damped, and a steady state is reached. In the Klein-Kramers case,


If , then there is no steady state approached (figure gif), otherwise the system does approach a steady state (figs gif to gif).

Let us consider a system satisfying for all n. The steady state term is given by the integral in (gif). Since and are analytic, the only singularities of the integrand occur at the zeros of . In the Klein-Kramers case, there are only two singularities as shown in fig gif. The contour of integration must lie between the poles and for the time dependent term to approach zero according to (gif). As we shall see, this leads to the term proportional to not contributing to the distribution at positive z and similarly the term not contributing to the distribution at negative z.


Figure: Contour used for the large z asymptotic argument.

Since in general, as in the Klein-Kramers model,   grows much faster than any exponential as , it is not possible to evaluate the integral in (gif) by completing the contour around the positive imaginary half plane for positive z, and around the negative half plane for negative z. Instead, we must use a large z asymptotic   argument that is similar to the method described in section 2.6 of Jeffreys (1961). In this, we complete the contour in the fashion shown in fig gif, with an arbitrarily large positive but finite value. We may now apply Cauchy's residue theorem to obtain  


But the absolute value of the second term is

Since may be chosen arbitrarily large, the second term must vanish faster than any exponential as a function of z, and so


By taking negative, one can similarly show that


In general, we may state the selection principle thus: the contour passing through the saddle point of Re divides the complex plane;    those roots of that lie above this contour contribute to the asymptotic behaviour of downstream of the source, and those that lie below contribute to the asymptotic behaviour upstream of the source.

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Russell Standish
Thu May 18 11:43:52 EST 1995